주요 약력 |
1. 학력
박사 - 고려대학교 (영어영문학과)
석사 - Southern Illinois
University, Carbondale
학사 - Southern Illinois
University, Carbondale
2. 경력
(전) 동덕여자대학교 (전임교수)
(전) 고려대학교, 이화여자대학교, 서강대학교, 서울시립대학교,
한양대학교 (시간강사)
(전) 을지대학교 (전임교수)
(전) 제주한라대학교 (조교수)
(현) 충북대학교 (교수)
연구 실적 |
A study on a model of culture teaching/learning through ESL/EFL
conversation materials as a generator of the successful
communicative competence
Lee, Kang-Young. (2012).
Towards intercultural English learning/teaching (IELT): An intercultural approach to world Englishes.
The Modern English Education Society, 13(2), 80-100.
Lee, Kang-Young. (2012).
Teaching intercultural English learning/teaching in world Englishes: Some classroom activities in South Korea. English Teaching: Practices and Critique, 11(4), 190-205.
Lee, Kang-Young. (2013).
Another EIL: Teaching English as an Intercultural language, 49(2), 291-310.
Lee, Kang-Young. (2016).
Teaching to become users of intercultural English: Eight workable guidelines. Foreign Language Education, 23(1), 93-110.
Lee, Kang-Young. (2016).
The world Englishes paradigm: A study of Korean university students’ perceptions and attitudes. English Teaching: Practices and Critique, 15(1), 155-168.
Lee, Kang-Young. (2016).
Teaching English as an intercultural language (EIcL) in Korea: Investigating factors affecting
university students' perceptions and attitudes towards EIcL. The New Studies of English Language & Literature, 63, 25-50.
Lee, Kang-Young. (2016).
Bilingual children’s writing development in two-way immersion programs. The Journal of Modern British & American Language & Literature, 32(2), 81-112
Lee, Kang-Young, (2017).
An action plan in ESL housing for communicative competence and intercultural understanding. The Journal of Modern British & American Language & Literature, 35(4), 225-246.
Lee, Kang-Young. (2018).
Effects of ESL learners’ use of subtitle on news watching: No subtitle, during watching, and after watching. English Language & Literature Teaching, 24(1), 13-24.